10 Banana Benefits And Side Effects

There would hardly be any person who has never eaten a banana. Since childhood, we have been hearing that there are many benefits to eating bananas. This fruit, which is available throughout the year, is as delicious as it is beneficial for health.

10 Banana Benefits And Side Effects

People try to get nutrition from bananas as per their needs by eating them in different ways. But how effective any method is without a scientific basis is like a building without a foundation. Therefore, its scientific basis must be clear to know the benefits of any fruit. In this article, we will explain the benefits of eating bananas simply along with their scientific basis.

History of Banana

The history of bananas is about 10000 years old. The journey of bananas started from New Guinea, a large island in the Pacific Ocean, and spread throughout the world. Some scientists even consider it to be the world's first fruit. Bananas have been grown in India only for the last 6000 years. From then it has been the most eaten fruit in India.

Banana cultivation requires a slightly warm and humid climate. This is the reason banana is grown in the countries of Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. Out of them, India ranks first in the world for banana production. Being the largest producer of bananas, India also has the highest consumption of bananas. In India alone, 1/4 of the world's total banana production has been consumed every year.

Banana Nutrients 

1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long- approx. 115 grams) banana

Calories- 112

Total Fat – 0.3 grams

Total Carbohydrate -26 grams

Dietary fiber - 2 grams

Sugar -14 grams

Protein -0.9 grams

Calcium -5.8 mg

Iron -0.3 mg

Potassium -375 mg

Zinc – 0.18 mg

Sodium -1.2 mg

Phosphorus – 25.30 mg

Manganese – 0.297 mg

Magnesium – 32.20 mg

Copper – 12 mg

Vitamin B-1 – 0.064 mg

Vitamin B-3 – 0.761 mg

Vitamin B6 – 240 mg

Vitamin C – 14.8 mg

Vitamin A – 1.15 mcg

Benefits of eating bananaa

1. Heart disease

10 Banana Benefits And Side Effects

According to a research, dietary potassium and magnesium keep heart-related diseases away. Potassium stimulates those nerve fibers that can stimulate the heart muscle for precise contraction and relaxation. This helps our heart to keep on pumping blood properly in rhythmic order.

Potassium also prevents a disease called Atherosclerosis. In Atherosclerosis, the walls of the blood arteries become hard and lose their elasticity, which results in increased blood pressure.

Flavonoids are also present in bananas which is very important for heart health.

On average we need 4700-5000 mg of potassium daily and a 100-120 gram banana can provide about 375 mg of potassium, which is about 10% of our daily requirement. Therefore, 1 banana should be included in the diet every day.

2. Relief from constipation

10 Banana Benefits And Side Effects

Fiber in food helps digest food quickly. Normally we need 28-30 mg of fiber daily. 

A 100-120 grams of banana contains 2-3 mg of fiber. Which can fulfill about 10% of our fiber needs.

There are 2 types of fiber found in bananas- Starch and Pectin:-


Raw banana contains starch which is a type of fiber, but our stomach cannot digest it as it is a prebiotic. The fiber that cannot be digested by humans is called prebiotics. But this type of fiber is a good food source for the friendly bacteria present in our digestive system. These bacteria ferment this fiber and convert it into fat molecules. Which acts as a source of energy.


Bananas contain a water-soluble fiber, Pectin which is found in both raw and ripe bananas. On reaching the stomach, pectin, due to its jelly-like density, pushes the food forward in the intestines. It makes the stool soft and thus avoids constipation.

3. Can help in reducing weight

10 Banana Benefits And Side Effects

Directly bananas don't have anything that can reduce weight. So it's a myth that bananas can reduce weight. But it can prove to be a helpful fruit in your weight loss process if taken effectively and measurably.

A 110-120 gm banana contains about 26 gm of carbohydrates along with many vitamins and minerals due to this it is a full energy packet in itself. 

On the Hunger Satiety score, the banana gets a score of 2.5, which is a moderate score. 

A Hunger Satiety score is a metric used to measure to what extent any fruit or food satisfies your hunger. It ranges from 0-5, where 0 denotes zero satisfaction in hunger while 5 indicates complete satisfaction. 

This way, if somebody is on a weight loss program and doesn't want to take extra calories then eating a banana on a little craving for food will save him from excessive calories of the food.

4. Diabetes

10 Banana Benefits And Side Effects

Banana has low glycemic index (GI).

The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of how quickly a carbohydrate-containing food raises blood glucose levels.

The carbohydrates present in bananas do not allow an immediate spike in blood glucose levels which is a beneficial factor for diabetic patients. Thus, a diabetic patient can eat a maximum of 50-60 gm of banana at a time without getting worried about a hike in blood glucose levels. 
Still keep in mind that if a diabetic patient is eating even half a banana daily, he will have to keep checking his blood sugar level to avoid any health complications.

Our body gets energy only from glucose. Generally, whenever a person consumes carbohydrate-rich food, it gets absorbed from the intestines and reaches the blood in the form of glucose. After which a hormone called insulin starts leaking into the blood from the pancreas. Which converts the unused glucose into glycogen and stores it in the cells.
However, in a diabetic patient, the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas are destroyed. As a result, due to a lack of insulin, glucose increases excessively in the blood. Which can cause problems like frequent urination, increased thirst, blurred vision, feeling weak or unusually tired, dry mouth, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting, difficulty in breathing, confusion, loss of consciousness, etc. In such a situation, the patient needs immediate treatment otherwise the patient may die.

 5. Anti-Cancer

10 Banana Benefits And Side Effects

Research shows that ripe bananas have anti-cancer properties. The black spots present on the peel of a ripe banana produce a chemical called Tumor necrosis factor (TNF), which has anti-cancer properties. According to research, it stops the proliferation of growing cancer cells and does not allow the cell cycle to be completed. Due to this cancer cells cannot form and grow.

6. Arthritis and oxidative stress

Research shows that bananas are rich in antioxidants. Which reduces oxidative stress. Oxidative stress gradually weakens the human body and makes it old and sick.

Many other compounds like vitamin-C, flavonoids, and phenolic compounds, are present in bananas which show anti-inflammatory effects. For this reason, eating bananas provides relief from irritation and swelling in joints in diseases like arthritis.

7. Can improve eyesight

10 Banana Benefits And Side Effects

Eyes require Vitamin A, also known as retinol, to maintain their health. However, bananas do not contain Vitamin A or retinol. Instead, it has carotenoids due to its bright yellow color, which is a type of provitamin-A. Once bananas are ingested, these provitamin-A compounds are converted into Vitamin-A or retinol.

However, banana provides Vitamin A but there is no specific research available on how much role a banana can play in keeping the eyes healthy.

8. Avoids muscle cramps and swelling

Often, gym people are asked to eat bananas after exercise because bananas are rich in nutrition and give considerable energy. That is not the only reason why bananas should be eaten after exercise.

During exercise, potassium and magnesium are excreted from the body along with sweat due to which the electrolyte balance in the body gets disturbed which results in problems like muscle cramps and swelling are seen.

Bananas are rich in potassium and magnesium which act as electrolytes for the body. Therefore, eating bananas after exercise prevents muscle cramps and swelling.

9. Benefits of eating bananas for men

Potassium is found in abundance in bananas, which keeps the electrolyte balance in the body correct and also keeps the fluid in the body balanced. Fluid is very important for sperms to flow properly. This is the reason why eating bananas increases semen volume. Bananas also have Vitamin B-6 which helps to increase the production of healthy sperm and also increases their count.

10. Improves mood

Banana contains an essential amino acid, tryptophan, which increases the level of the hormone, Serotonin, in the body. Serotonin hormone has a positive effect on the brain which improves mood. It also removes problems like insomnia, stress, and depression.

What is the right time to eat bananas?

According to the nutrients present in bananas, the time or method of eating bananas may vary according to the different needs of people. 

1. To gain weight

For those who are trying to gain weight, taking a banana with milk in the morning is beneficial. Bananas and milk together give you a lot of calories which gradually increases your weight.
If you want your weight to increase with bananas and milk, then you need to keep in mind how many calories you are burning through muscle work in your daily routine.

2. For weight loss

If you want to lose weight, it is more beneficial to eat bananas when you feel little hunger rather than eating any meal or snack. There is little to no fat in bananas. Besides, it contains plenty of carbohydrates which help in weight loss, minerals, and vitamins. All this gives you energy as well as strength. Also, on the score of Satiety score, the banana gets a score of 2.5 which indicates that eating a banana gives you the satisfaction of feeling full.

3. After workout

During exercise, there is a lot of sweating due to which minerals like potassium and magnesium excreate out of the body along with sweat and thus the electrolyte balance of the body gets disturbed which is very important for the smooth functioning of the muscles. For this reason, problems like muscle cramps and swelling are seen after heavy exercise. Bananas are rich in minerals like potassium and magnesium which keep this problem away by balancing the electrolytes.

4. Before a workout

If you do heavy exercise, then eating a banana before a workout will give you energy. There is such carbohydrate present in bananas which does not allow weight gain because it does not immediately increase the glucose level in the blood after reaching the blood.

5. Benefits of eating bananas for breakfast

Eating bananas for breakfast is beneficial. There is little to no fat in bananas. Besides, it contains plenty of carbohydrates, minerals, fiber, and vitamins which help in weight loss. Which gives you energy as well as strength. Which keeps you active throughout the day.
Eating bananas on an empty stomach is harmful for those people who are allergic or sensitive to bananas. For such people, eating bananas on an empty stomach may cause problems like stomach upset, nausea, etc.

6. Before sleeping at night

Banana contains an essential amino acid tryptophan which increases the level of the hormone serotonin in the body. Serotonin hormone has a positive effect on the brain which improves mood. It also removes problems like insomnia, stress, and depression. This tells us that eating bananas at night helps you sleep better due to the effect of serotonin.

Some questions

1. When should bananas not be eaten?

From a medical point of view, bananas should not be eaten in such diseases where there is excess potassium in the body. People whose kidneys get damaged lose their ability to filter blood. Such people should stay away from bananas because it contains a lot of potassium and magnesium.
Secondly, as long as the banana is brown or black on the outside but there is no mushy stain inside, till then a banana is fit to eat. But when the banana starts turning black from the inside too and bubbles are visible in many places, this shows it got rotten. Such a banana should not be eaten.

2. Are bananas high fat?

No, bananas contain negligible fat which cannot cause weight gain. It contains carbohydrates, which too is a type of carbohydrate that helps in weight loss. A carbohydrate gets converted into glucose after metabolism. Later, with the help of insulin, unused glucose gets stored in the cells in the form of glycogen. But after a time it can convert into fatty acid molecules and can increase body fat. 

3. How many bananas can you eat in a day?

Only 1-2 bananas should be eaten in a day. Bananas mainly contain carbohydrates. Still, it is a healthy carbohydrate but any carbohydrate gets converted into glucose when it reaches the body, which increases the blood sugar level. Ultimately, with the help of insulin, unused glucose gets stored in the cells in the form of glycogen. But after a time it can convert into fatty acid molecules and can increase body fat.

4. What are the benefits of eating bananas in the body?

Eating bananas provides energy to the body, provides relief from constipation, keeps the heart healthy, avoids muscle cramps and swelling, provides relief from joint pain, irritation, and swelling in arthritis, and increases sperm count in men. 

Medically edited by:-
Dr. Dolly
