While it's widely acknowledged that consuming sesame seeds during winter offers numerous health benefits, have you ever wondered exactly what makes them so advantageous for our well-being? In this article, we delve into all Sesame seed benefits and side effects, so that you'll gain insight into how this humble seed serves as a potent remedy for promoting our health.
Some basic information about sesame
Sesame is cultivated only in Central Asia and North Africa because sesame requires moderate temperatures to grow. This is the reason why sesame seeds are prevalent in the food of these countries. You will rarely find recipes using sesame seeds in Western countries. Seeing the benefits of sesame seeds, China has well incorporated them into its food. China is the only country where cooking without sesame or sesame oil cannot be imagined.
There are mostly three types of sesame seeds – white, black, and light yellow sesame.
Out of which white sesame grows the most. That is because its plant is a bit strong and can easily withstand adverse conditions. Whereas yellow sesame has the lowest yield because its crop is delicate and does not grow so easily. This is the reason why yellow sesame seeds are rarely seen in the markets whereas white sesame seeds are in abundance.
Health benefits of sesame seeds
Sesame seeds are full of proteins. They have numerous minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, etc. They contain Vitamin-E and multiple vitamins of Vitamin-B family. This is the reason sesame seeds are called a Multi-purpose nutrient bank.
1. Maintains blood pressure
2. Speeds up digestion
Fiber present in food helps in digesting food quickly. Due to this problems like acidity and indigestion do not occur. This is the reason the consumption of more salad with food is advisable.
But not only salad, sesame seeds are also rich in fiber. About 42% fiber is present in 100 gm of sesame seeds. Therefore, consuming sesame seeds daily keeps your digestion fine.
3. Increases hair length
Proteins found in sesame seeds are 89.57% of easily digestible protein is found in sesame. There is about 18-20 gm of protein in 100 gm of sesame seeds. This is the reason why sesame is also called the crown of 8 grains.
Being a source of protein in such quantity, it is very helpful in hair growth.
4. Strengthens bones
Sesame contains necessary minerals like calcium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, etc. for bones. All these minerals play an important role in the strength of bones. This is why consuming sesame seeds daily keeps your bones strong.
Eating sesame seeds will prove to be a panacea for women above 35 years of age, lactating women, and women suffering from the problem of white discharge.
5. Reduce cholesterol
Fat is of two types- Saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids. Unsaturated fatty acids are less harmful to our body than saturated fatty acids because saturated fatty acids do not melt quickly. Therefore they keep accumulating in the body. Ultimately, it causes high blood pressure and consequently heart disease.
In sesame seeds, the average oil content is 45-57%. Sesame oil consists of 80% unsaturated fatty acids and 20% saturated fatty acids.
Sesame oil is a rich source of the unsaturated fatty acid Linoleic acid, which is essential for the body to digest cholesterol. Without sufficient Linoleic acid, the body may struggle to break down cholesterol, leading to a range of health issues. Therefore, incorporating sesame oil into our diet protects us from diseases caused by high cholesterol like heart disease, obesity, and high blood pressure.
6. Provides relief from joint pain
Arthritis is a disease that affects the joints, causing wear and tear of the cartilage on the bone ends. This leads to friction between the bone ends upon repeated movement, resulting in swelling and irritation.
Sesmol, a component found in sesame, has anti-inflammatory properties. It suppresses the chemicals responsible for inflammation and the accompanying burning sensation. Therefore, consuming sesame seeds daily can provide great relief to arthritis patients suffering from joint pain.
7. Prevents cancer
Sesame seeds are rich in antioxidants that lessen oxidative stress. Oxidative stress adversely affects the body cells which results in cancer, heart diseases, and brain-related diseases.
Read – What is Oxidative Stress? And how does it affect our body and make us old and sick?
Many researches show that the Sesamin present in sesame seeds has anti-cancer properties. It prevents cancer cells from proliferating and growing.
8. Reduces Type-II Diabetes
It has been seen in many researches that eating sesame seeds has a very positive effect on diabetic patients. Therefore, eating sesame seeds daily is very beneficial for diabetes patients. Sesame seeds are a true nutritional powerhouse, containing impressive amounts of protein and fiber. 100 grams of white sesame contains 12 grams of fiber and 18 grams of protein. These nutrients are important for feeling full and keeping blood sugar levels stable by slowly releasing glucose into the bloodstream.
But that's not all – sesame seeds are also a rich source of magnesium, a mineral that is important for many bodily functions. In particular, magnesium plays an important role in regulating insulin production and glucose metabolism, making it an essential nutrient for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.
9. Increases immunity
Sesame seeds are a tiny but mighty source of essential vitamins and minerals that are crucial for maintaining good health. These tiny seeds are packed with antioxidants, including sesamol and sesamin, which are known for their powerful health benefits.
These antioxidants help to bolster the immune system and enhance disease resistance in the body by protecting it against harmful free radicals that can cause damage to cells and tissues. As a result, sesame seeds are often referred to as a "Powerhouse of nutrients."
Typically, when it comes to seed oils, cold-pressed oils are considered healthier due to the low temperature used during the extraction process. However, when it comes to sesame oil, the opposite is true. Hot-pressed sesame oil has been found to have higher levels of antioxidants than cold-pressed sesame oil, making it the healthier option.
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